27th PCA Assembly Meets Along Banks of the Ohio
The 27th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America met in the old city of Louisville, Kentucky, a city which tries to bridge North and South. In a similar manner, the PCA itself is trying to bridge deep gulfs--a fact which became more obvious at this year's gathering.

PCA Assembly Adopts Statement on Creation
The Presbyterian Church in America, wrestling with the issue of creation, takes a firm stand against evolution and in favor of "instantaneous creation."

Creation Study Committee Presents Preliminary Statement
The PCA's Creation Study Committee presented a preliminary statement. The CSC asked that it be extended for another year, a request which the PCA Assembly granted.

PCA Minister to Face Charges over Women's Preaching
In an unprecedented move, three presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church in America have petitioned the General Assembly to assume original jurisdiction over the Rev. Mr. John Wood, Senior Pastor of Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, Tennessee, because of his belief in female preaching.

PCA Assembly Declares Female Preaching to Violate Bible
The Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly declared that female preaching is a violation of the teaching of Scripture.

Covenant College Wracked by Controversies
Covenant College, the denominational school of the Presbyterian Church in America located on Lookout Mountain, Georgia, has experienced two recent controversies: the firing of three young ladies for refusing to work on the Lord's Day, and the singing of the college choir in two Roman Catholic masses.

Personal Resolutions Create Stir on the Floor of PCA Assembly
Personal resolutions created a stir on the floor of the 27th PCA General Assembly. One of them raised questions about a woman addressing a church planters' conference in California, in apparent contradiction to a directive by the 1997 Assembly. Another one raised the issue of the Covenant College choir singing in the Roman Catholic mass

Tennessee Valley Presbytery Ejects the Press, Discusses Women Preaching and Infant Dedication Behind Closed Doors
Tennessee Valley Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America ejected the press as it discussed the practices of female preaching and infant dedication.

Assembly Concludes with a Bang
Four protests and a formal "objection" at the very close of the PCA General Assembly highlighted the fact that there are many issues that divide the denomination.

Assembly Declines to Amend Directory for Worship Regarding Public Reading of Scripture
Who may read Scripture in public worship? In June, 1999, that issue was before the Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly, for the third consecutive year.

"Show Time at Spanish River"
A well-known congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America is featured on the front page of the Boca Raton newspaper. The article says: "Cue the lights, bring up the sound, and roll the videotape: It's show time at Spanish River Church, where a brand-new, multi-million dollar worship center has turned Sunday services into entertainment extravaganzas."

MNA Staff "Vindicated" Regarding Woman Addressing Church Planters' Conference
The 27th Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly voted to "vindicate" the staff of its Mission to North America Committee with regard to a woman addressing a church planters' conference in California in February.

PCA Declines to Adopt Women in Combat Report
The 27th PCA General Assembly voted to receive the report from its committee on women in combat as "advice," and to expand the seven-man committee by the addition of three members.

Psalm Singing Encouraged by the General Assembly
Reflecting its Presbyterian roots, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America once again encouraged the singing of psalms.

FORC Given Answer on Deposed Minister
The Federation of Reformed Churches (FORC) was given an answer by the 27th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America with regard to FORC's reception of a deposed minister.

Registration Fee Goes Up to $200
The PCA General Assembly raised the commissioner registration fee from $140 to $200--a jump of almost 43 per cent.

PCA Issues Warning Regarding Homosexuality
The Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly warned parents of the homosexual agenda.

PCA Again Express Concern Over Abortion
The Presbyterian Church in America has continued a pattern, begun more than twenty years ago, of taking a stand against abortion.

PCA Declares That Its Constitution is Only Binding Statement
Responding to an overture from Westminster Presbytery, the PCA General Assembly declared that its Constitution is the only binding statement for the denomination. The action came as a result of the wide distribution of a Statement of Identity, issued by twenty-nine churchmen, including two coordinators of denominational committees.

GA Turns Down New SJC Vows
The PCA General Assembly once again turned down an attempt to modify the vows which members of the Standing Judicial Commission must assume upon taking office.

SJC Manual Amended
The Manual of the Standing Judicial Commission was amended by the 27th PCA General Assembly. This marks the first time that the SJC Manual was amended by Assembly action.

Pittsburgh Goes Three-for-Four
Pittsburgh Presbytery was able to have three of its four proposals to amend the Book of Church Order pass the PCA General Assembly. These amendments now go to the presbyteries for advice and consent.

PCA Does Not Set Age Limits for Congregational Meetings
The PCA General Assembly has once again turned away an attempt to allow congregations to set age limits for voting in congregational meetings.

Presbytery Committee Proposes Not Recommending RTS--Orlando
A committee of Calvary Presbytery in South Carolina is recommending that the court not recommend Reformed Theological Seminary's Orlando campus as a place for its students to study.

Tom Leopard Elected Moderator of 27th PCA Assembly
A church administrator who works for Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama, Tom Leopard was elected Moderator of the 27th PCA General Assembly. In 1986, his pastor, Dr. Frank Barker, served as Moderator.

Look Back, Look Around, Look Ahead, Declares Retiring Moderator
The retiring Moderator of the PCA General Assembly urged his listeners to "look back, look around, and look ahead."

Southern Baptist Seminary President Preaches to PCA Assembly
Dr. Al Mohler, known for his commitment to a Calvinistic understanding of salvation, preached to the 1999 PCA General Assembly. He is President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.

PCA Approves Overture Regarding Joint Meetings
The Presbyterian Church in America gave its blessing to exploring the possibility of having joint meetings among various Reformed denominations.

OPC Assembly Meets in Grand Rapids
The Orthodox Presbyterian Church General Assembly met this year in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Like its PCA counterpart, women in combat was a hot topic on the agenda.

College Student Jailed for Six Months for Anti-Abortion Demonstration: Revival Breaks Out in Lynchburg Jail
He was never in trouble with the law, until he unwittingly broke a trespassing ordinance in Lynchburg, Virginia. John Reyes began serving his six months sentence in late August--and almost immediately the Lord used him in wonderful ways to witness of His grace.

Shortest PCA Assembly on Record
The PCA's 1999 Louisville General Assembly is the shortest on record.

Team Being Sent to Peru to Work with Psalm Singing Denomination
Mississippi Valley Presbytery (PCA) and the Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship have entered into a joint venture, sending a team to help revitalize an historic psalm singing denomination in Peru.

Back to the Future of Church Planting
A new mission work in Tulsa, Oklahoma, utilizes the insights of church history in order to plant a Reformed congregation.

4000 Women Gather for PCA National Conference
4000 women gathered for the PCA's third National Women's Conference.

Editorials and Letters
Our Editor-in-Chief tries his hand at a couple of editorials, while the Editor offers his view of this year's General Assembly and the state of the church. And, our readers respond, including with regard to Martin Luther King, Jr., and the "civil rights" movement.

Presbyterian Poetry
A thirteen year old girl describes what it's like to appear before the elders in order to confess her faith.

News from the Presbyteries
Here you will find news from Ascension, Calvary, Central Carolina, Covenant, Eastern Carolina, Fellowship, Mid-America, North Florida, North Georgia, Northeast, Palmetto, Potomac, Tennessee Valley, and Westminster Presbyteries.