Women Preaching Issue Won't Go Away
The issue of women preaching, which has been disturbing the peace of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) for most of 1999, has refused to go away. To date, four presbyteries have petitioned the General Assembly to assume original jurisdiction over the pastor of a prominent PCA congregation. That minister's presbytery, Tennessee Valley, has declared female preaching to be inappropriate, but has also vindicated the Session of the church in question. The Session of the church has responded to Tennessee Valley Presbytery, including asking that whenever an unordained person speaks in worship, that not be considered "preaching." One of the four presbyteries which petitioned for original jurisdiction has responded to Tennessee Valley Presbytery. The officers of the Standing Judicial Commission (SJC) have ruled that the judicial case is "out of order." And at least two presbyteries are set to reply to the SJC, arguing that the case indeed is in order.
Excerpts from the Lady's Messages
Tennessee Valley Presbytery vindicated the Session of Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, Tennessee, with regard to having a woman bring two messages during public worship. Here are excerpts from those messages.
A Commentary on the Ruling by the SJC Officers
Here is a commentary on the ruling by the SJC officers that the judicial case with regard to women preaching is out of order.
Presbytery Rules Against Participation in Promise Keepers
Westminster Presbytery has upheld a complaint, brought against a Session for its support of the popular men's organization called Promise Keepers. The Presbytery also sustained a complaint against the use of video clips in public worship. Not sustained were two other complaints, regarding participation in Teen Mania's Acquire the Fire rally, and regarding the replacement of a Sunday night service with a Saturday night service.
MNA Committee Meets in October for Stated Meeting
Mission to North America (MNA), the home missions committee of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) met in early October for its fall stated meeting. Among items on the agenda were new policies and coordinators for the campus ministry (Reformed University Ministries, or RUM); and a challenge to MNA's use of executive sessions. Featured in the coverage here are interviews with Archie Parrish, Coordinator for Church Vitality; and David Peterson, head of chaplains for the denomination.
Covenant College Board Defends Choir Singing in the Roman Catholic Mass
The Board of Covenant College, denominational school of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), has defended the singing in the Roman Catholic mass by a college choir. A former Roman Catholic priest reacts to the news. Two Roman Catholic authorities give their evaluation of the position taken by the college board. And other Protestant colleges are asked what they would do if asked to participate in a mass.
World Magazine Turns Down Pro-Reformation Ad
A prominent Christian magazine, World, has turned down an ad which promotes the Protestant Reformation.
The Reformation Day Statement
Here is the statement, signed by numerous leaders in the evangelical and Reformed community, which was called "unloving."
Ethics Professor Featured in Christianity Today
Covenant Theological Seminary ethics professor David C. Jones, in an article in Christianity Today, has questioned anti-sodomy laws, and expressed openness to some domestic partnership legislation.
Denominational Seminary Snubs Church Press
The denominational seminary of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) has snubbed the church press. The controversy arose over the coverage of story dealing with anti-sodomy laws.
PCA Minister Participates in Ecumenical Service with Roman Catholics
A Michigan minister in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) has participated in an annual ecumenical service with Roman Catholics.
John R. W. Stott Preaches in the PCA
Controversial Anglican John R. W. Stott preached in several places in October in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). Among the places where he spoke was Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis. Long regarded as a leader in the evangelical world, Dr. Stott's unorthodox views on the doctrine of hell have caused the recent controversy.
NAPARC Meets in North Carolina
The twenty-fifth meeting of the North America Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC) met in Flat Rock, North Carolina, in November 1999. Among the major items was the taking of a small, but significant, step toward organic union among the NAPARC denominations. Keynote speaker Bill Evans laid out challenges he foresees for the conciliar body. NAPARC snubs the Christian Reformed Church, which has been suspended from but not yet expelled from the organization. NAPARC finally decides what to do with money left over from the celebration of the 350th anniversary of the Westminster Assembly. And NAPARC takes financial and other action.
Creation Study Committee: In Search of a Consensus
The Creation Study Committee (CSC) met in September 1999 in Charlotte. Commissioned by the 1998 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), the CSC is trying to find a consensus among the various views of the doctrine of creation.
New Church for the Berkshires
The Berkshires of Western Massachusetts have long been a "burned over" region with respect to the gospel. But a new mission work promises to bring fresh life to the parched region.
Editorials Comment on the SJC Officers, the Women Preaching Issue, and the Gospel
Our editorials comment on the SJC Officers ("Un-Representative Representation"), the women preaching issue ("Linguistical Gymanstics"), and the threat which Roman Catholicism poses to the Protestant church ("Have We Forgotten the Gospel?").
Our readers comment on a wide array of subjects, including our view of contemporary worship, and "back-to-the-future" church planting.
News from the Presbyteries
In this issue, we feature news from fifteen (15)presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA): Ascension, Calvary, Central Carolina, Covenant, Eastern Canada, Eastern Carolina, Grace, James River, Mid-America, New River, North Florida, North Georgia, Philadelphia, Potomac, and Westminster.
News from Covenant College
Besides responding to a protest regarding a college choir singing in the Roman Catholic mass, the Covenant College Board handled other matters at its October stated meeting. Among them was the approval of a new minor.